Why Hire a Lawn Care Professional to Maintain Your Yard?


Hiring an experienced lawn care professional is certainly a necessity in order to maintain a beautiful home. For many, both lack of time and lack of resources can be major factors for opting out of the daunting DIY lawn care methods. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to hire a lawn care professional, here are four things to consider:

  1. Time: This is probably the most justifiable and obvious reason a professional lawn care provider can offer such value to creating and maintaining an immaculate lawn. Of course. you need to factor in the time of actually executing the work, but also consider the time it takes to gather the proper tools and materials, as well as, research the correct processes and landscaping ideas. Dollar for dollar, how much are you really saving? Your time can often be better spent in areas that you’re an expert at.

  2. Experience: They don’t say leave it to the professionals for nothing! When you work with a professional lawn care company, their experience will be a huge benefit. They will have the best resources, team members, and years of knowledge under their belt in order to execute whatever job they are doing with perfection. Also keep in mind that they have the knowledge of how to properly use materials that can contain chemicals and tools that could cause injury. This makes their knowledge not only beneficial to efficiency, but also for safety concerns.

  3. Cost: Lawn care providers do this for a living. Because of that, they are using tools not only on your property, but all of their clients. If you were to go out and purchase the same machinery, you wouldn’t be able to subsidize that cost among multiple clients. This doesn’t even factor in the whole time equals money scenario. How much money could you be making working, instead of DIYing your lawn? When all is said and done, you will most likely end up saving money for a better job done!

  4. Seasonal Care: Lawn care is so much more than routine maintenance. You also need to consider the seasonal changes and what things need to be done during that time. If you DIY, this is another thing to add on time and money for you; however, if you’re working with a professional lawn care company, they can easily execute these things on your behalf.

Now that you know the benefits, we look forward to the opportunity of being your lawn care provider. With over 40 years experience in the industry, Town & Country Enterprises, Inc. can offer exceptional quality for any of your lawn care needs. Whether you need the lawn to make all your neighbors envious, or just some light lifting, one of our lawn care maintenance packages will surely fit your needs:


Seasonal Lawn Treatments. Routine and strategically timed treatments to make your lawn the lushest, greenest, healthiest and most weed free lawn in your neighborhood!


Seasonal Lawn Treatments. Routine and strategically timed treatments to give your lawn the minimal amount of nutrients and weed control to still be healthy, green and weed free!


Seasonal Lawn Treatments. Routine and strategically timed treatments to not only keep your lawn fed and weed free but to maintain a green and overall heathy lawn you’ll love to spend time in.


Add on treatments include: Winterization, Organic Compost Top Dressing, Lime Applications, Mechanical Aeration, Over Seeding and Slice Seeding.

We look forward to making your yard the talk of the neighborhood!

About the Author

Home and business owners in Rochester, New York, and surrounding areas have relied on the extensive knowledge and expertise of Town & Country Enterprises for their landscape care and renovations since 1976. What started as a love for landscaping and student summer job evolved into the full-service company that we are today, delivering outdoor living spaces that enhance both your lifestyle and the overall beauty of your home.


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