How Often Is Lawn Aeration Included in Lawn Care Services Programs in the Rush, NY, Area?

How Often Is Lawn Aeration Included in Lawn Care Services Programs in the Rush, NY, Area?

Healthy lawns are a common desire yet some intervention is needed to ensure they’ll look good year-round. One lawn maintenance service that helps keep your grass healthy is lawn aeration. So, how often is lawn aeration and lawn care services combined in the Rush, NY, area? It depends on the lawn care services provider you choose. Since lawn aeration can be considered an essential lawn maintenance service, you may want to ensure that your chosen lawn care company offers this service. Here’s why:

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Loosens Compacted Soil

Lawn aeration services are necessary to loosen compacted soil in your yard. Soil that’s compacted down will make the grass grow much more slowly and not allow it to maintain its green, lush appearance. Also, when your lawn has compacted soil, your grass can thin out and become patchy. When the lawn care experts provide you with lawn aeration services, the soil will be prepared so that your grass has the best possible chance to flourish.

Removes Thatch

Thatch is the loose layer of material that sits between the grass and the soil. This material can be bad for your lawn’s health when there’s too much of it. Lawn aeration will eliminate a portion of the thatch and make it possible for your grass to be healthier. With less thatch in between the grass and roots, more oxygen will make its way to the roots and lead to healthier grass.

Allows Air and Nutrients to Reach Roots

Air and nutrients are essential features for the grass roots to access. When the landscape company performs lawn aeration services on your property, it’s putting small holes into the soil so that air, nutrients, and water will get down into the ground and reach the roots. When your grass roots have access to these features, the lawn will be better able to grow and maintain its healthy appearance.

Prevents Pests

When you have a buildup of thatch on your lawn, you’ll be more likely to see pests invade this area. The removal of thatch through lawn aeration can keep pest infestations to a minimum and produce a healthy lawn overall. The lawn aeration service along with other lawn care services and pest prevention methods will help keep your yard looking great and pest-free.

Prevents Weed Growth

When the landscape company offers lawn aeration services for your property, you can keep weed growth to a minimum. A healthy lawn is one that is filled with beautiful, green grass and little to no weeds. With lawn aeration services, you can keep the lawn looking nice and keep weeds away. The landscape company may also include weed control applications and fertilizer applications to help prevent weeds on your lawn as well.

Prepares Lawn for Harsh Weather

Whether you are headed into the winter or summer, you want your grass to be ready for any potential weather extremes that may occur. When the landscape company performs lawn aeration services for you, the grass is becoming healthier and more prepared for hot or cold temperatures of the relevant seasons. When your lawn has been aerated, the necessary nutrients, water, and air reach the roots and get them strong for whatever weather condition may arise.

Related: Keep Your Webster, NY, Landscape Green by Including Lawn Fertilization in Your Lawn Care Plan

About the Author

Home and business owners in Rochester, New York, and surrounding areas have relied on the extensive knowledge and expertise of Town & Country Enterprises for their landscape care and renovations since 1976. What started as a love for landscaping and student summer job evolved into the full-service company that we are today, delivering outdoor living spaces that enhance both your lifestyle and the overall beauty of your home.


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